Domestic SeaFood
Seafood and Meat Ecommerce
Website made from a 100% coded Shopify theme. Created with Shopify standards, the addition of metadata was essential to customize the website effectively. Design and web development in collaboration with [MamboMambo]( Implemented with Liquid, CSS, and JavaScript.
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Premium fuel for athletes
Shopify made from a custom theme. Made with Shopify standards, adding metadata was crucial to customize the website effectively. Implemented with Liquid, CSS, and JavaScript.
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Craft CMS Custom website
L’Association des fabricants et détaillants de l’industrie de la cuisine du Québec new website. In collaboration with Léviosa for the design and based HTML/CSS. Custom-based integration with Vue.js and Craft CMS.
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Sell your cars
Buying cars easily in Switzerland
Custom SASS for a start-up based in Switzerland trying to match exiting professional buyers with car owner. In collaboration with Léviosa for the design. Web application made with Vue JS, PHP, Laravel and MySQL.
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Rental Apartments Company
Custom web application for a rental apartment company. In collaboration with Hébert Communication for the design. Web application made with Alpine JS, PHP, Laravel and MySQL.
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Boutique au poil
Ecommerce website fully build using Sage WordPress and Woocommerce. Host more than +1000 products!

Psychologist web platform
Custom web application for parents to diagnostic their children. Also include a custom quiz. In collaboration with MamboMambo. Web application made with Vue.js, PHP and Craft CMS.
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Foresterie Pierre Poulin
Custom intranet to manager clients, bills and custom PDF. Made with Vue.js, Sass and Laravel PHP.

Cèdres de Beauce
Cedar estimate builder
A complete custom builder made uniquely to measure cedars, deliver a good evaluation and provide a price for the client. Made with Vue.js, Sass, and WordPress.
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Sprig / Userleap
New Marketing Website
Sprig is a microsurveys startup based in San Francisco. Made from scratch with HTML, SASS, Webpack and Vanilla JS.
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Éclat Glasses
Quality glasses ecommerce
Quality glasses ecommerce shop with custom donation code. Made with Craft CMS.
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Mobile application to punch time
Mobile application to punch time. Made with Vue.js in a Progressive Web App setup.

Wordpress site
Development of a simple website. Build using WordPress. In collaboration with Hebert Communication for the design.
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Event Repay
Event online payment system
A web payment platform for your private group. Event Repay allows you to create and customize your event online page quickly. Share a simple URL with your guest and they will pay directly on your Event Repay page. Web application made with Vue.js, Express and Node.js.
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Studio Nord-Est
Motion studio based in Québec
Motion studio based in Québec. In collaboration with MamboMambo for the design and web development. Made with Craft CMS.
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Clic Gestion
Web Application with quiz and store
Custom web application for AQCS members. Also include a custom quiz and a custom payment solution. In collaboration with Hebert Communication. Web application made with Vue.js, PHP and Craft CMS.
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Sideways Media
Media Agency
Simple landing page for a media company. Website made with simply HTML/CSS.
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Fêtes de chez nous
Music festival in Saint-Elzéar, Québec. Website made with Craft CMS and custom page builder.
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Thor Électrique
New landing page for an electrician. Made with Kirby CMS.
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Hoem Design
Avant-Garde French design studio based in miami
Avant-Garde French design studio based in miami. In collaboration with MamboMambo for the design and branding. Made with Craft CMS.
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Need A Font
Website to test logo with different fonts
Just drag your uncomplete logo and you will see hundred typography that may fit your logo. Made with React.js and the API of Google Fonts.
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Travling Buddies
Travel personal blog
Travel blog for travelers around the world. They can share their progress city by city, share stats, photos, videos, and post with their friends. Made with React.js, Express and Node.js.
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